Library Board and Governance

Board of Trustees

The Dixon Public Library is governed by a Board of Trustees. There are nine trustees appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. Terms are three years long.

The board consists of the following members.

Kevin Marx - President
Nicholas Haws - Vice President
Rachel Cocar - Secretary
Marcella Kitson - Treasurer
Terry Dunphy
Nicole Graff
Piper Grazulis
Tracey Lawton
Jonathan C. Self
Christina Keasler - Library Director, non voting administrative officer

To Email the Board [50 ILCS 205/20]

Annual Meeting Schedule
Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m. [5 ILCS 120/2.02(b)].
For 2023/2024 the dates of meetings will be as follows:

      Meeting Dates

              December 11th, 2023
              January 8th, 2024
              February 12th, 2024
              March 11th, 2024
              April 8th, 2024
              May 13th, 2024
              June 10th, 2024
              July 8th, 2024
              August 12th, 2024
              September 9th, 2024
              October 14th, 2024
              November 18th, 2024
              December 9th, 2024

Library board meetings are open to the general public. They are generally held in the library meeting room on the lower level. The library is accessible with a level access at the rear. On occasion other suitable locations may be used. Notice that another location is to be used will be properly made at least 48 hours ahead of time.

Meeting Notices and Agendas
Notices and Agendas can be found on the website [5 ILCS 120/2.02(b)]
Agendas will be posted at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Meeting Minutes
Click this link to find Approved Library Board Minutes. [5 ILCS 120/2.06(b).]

Employee Compensation Package
As of 02/12/2024  Director Christina Keasler's total compensation package totals $118,039.00.
Six days after approving the annual budget, a library that participates in the IMRF must post on its website the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000. Also, at least six days prior to approving an employee compensation package that equals or exceeds $150,000, the library must post the total compensation package information on its website. Alternatively, a library can choose to post a notice on its website identifying where the public can obtain compensation package information (i.e., at the library’s main office). For libraries without a website, the information must be posted at their main office. [5 ILCS 120/7.3].

Audit reports
The library is required to post a copy of the audit management letter and audited financial statements submitted by the auditor. [65 ILCS 5/8-8-10.5]. Click here for the audit.

Information about the public body

The library operates according to Federal and State statutes and in compliance with policies adopted by the Board of Trustees.
 2023-05-08 Combined policies document-1.pdf (921 KB)   revised 05-08-2023
2020-11 Board ByLaws.pdf (91 KB)
 Building Improvement Report 2018 21 (9.52 MB)
 DPL Facility Plan 2022 (1.75 MB)
 2023-2024 Technology Plan.pdf (252 KB)
 Dixon Public Library Emergency Management Plan (229 KB)

Other legally required information about the library including about how to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act can be found in the  Combined policies document, under Section 25: Freedom of Information Act [5 ILCS 140/4].

221 S Hennepin Ave
Dixon, IL 61021
Ph. (815) 284-7261
Library Hours
Monday-Wed. 9 AM–8 PM
Thursday & Friday 9 AM–5 PM
Saturday 9 AM–1 PM
Sunday Closed
@ 2024 Dixon Public Library, All Rights Reserved